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Dutch Network Society Inaugural meeting

The Dutch Network Science Society is delighted to invite you to its inaugural event! Our organization forms the Dutch Chapter of the international Network Science Society and aims to facilitate knowledge transfer and collaboration within the Dutch network science community and with both industry and public bodies.

On Tuesday May 7th 2019, Delft Technical University will host an afternoon on the current state of Dutch Network Science. Keynote speakers include prof. Schlomo Havlin (Bar-Ilan University) and prof. Kees Stam (Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc), while a range of invited pitches will be given by other networkenthusiasts from both academia and industry. More information and the (mandatory) registration form can be found at Feel free to forward this invitation to others that might be interested in this event.

Hope to see you there!

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Department of Neurology

VU University Medical Center

Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands

© 2019 WdH

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