The aim of this project is to develop a user-friendly environment to study dynamical brain networks. The program could be used for educational, presentation and scientific purposes. Below are a few early snapshots of the basic functionality, the plan is to include options for visualising (dynamic) network modules and hubs, connectograms, live frequency filtering, interaction, etc.

This is a dynamic 3D representation of the human posterior dominant rhythm (alpha rhythm), slowed down drastically for the human eye to examine the regional patterns that occur. Color brightness is based on amplitude height of the original source MEG data (resting-state, AAL atlas)

Here you can see dynamic functional connectivity patterns in the alpha frequency band in a healthy subject. The connectivity is based on the IAC, a measure of instantaneous amplitude-based connectivity. The entire clip spans about 1 second, so it is slowed down to show the evolving patterns.

The program can demonstrate the results of traditional quantitative MEG analysis, such as power analysis, functional connectivity and graph theoretical analysis. Input for this visualisation is a simple text file format, which is output from our analysis program BrainWave (Kees Stam).